

Our bodies house a network of channels in which life-force energy flows. If these channels become blocked or obstructed, disease and pain occur. Five Element Acupuncture helps unblock these pathways and allows the body to use its innate wisdom to heal from within.

Acupuncture is an effective form of medicine that has been practiced in China for over three thousand years. It’s a safe, drug-free way to treat a wide variety of conditions, prevent disease, treat pain, and establish health and balance.

Five Element Acupuncture is based on the laws of nature, focusing on all aspects of a person’s body, mind, and spirit to achieve the highest potential of health. The five elements are: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. When these energies are functioning in harmony and balance we feel healthy, happy, and energetic.

Symptoms are a sign that part of us is out of balance. Practitioners of Five Element Acupuncture see people as if they are in perfect health and balance rather than in illness. Moving towards this optimal balance through treatment that reaches the body, mind, and spirit supports clients in a full discovery of their unique, true nature. Acupuncture addresses many psychological concerns and assists in bringing inner clarity, strength, and focus that is essential to the healing process. 



Qigong is a practice that involves accumulating, circulating, and working with the energy within the body. Qi translates as “subtle breath” and is the “vital energy” produced by breathing. Gong means “discipline” and is a skill that is cultivated through steady practice. Qigong exercises are practiced for healing and vitality.

Medical Qigong practitioners use exercises to move and build the energy of their clients and refers to therapeutic exercises, breathing methods, and healing techniques that guide and direct the Qi for health and balance. Qigong exercises are taught to patients who experience different diseases and conditions. 

Pan Gu Shengong or Pan Gu Mystical Qigong (also known as the Heaven, Earth, Sun, and Moon Qigong) have a fundamental philosophy and practice rooted in kindness and charity. Designed to absorb the essence of Qi from the universe in order to regulate and intensify the human immune system and life force, it can restore balance, harmony, and peace of mind when practiced regularly. It also helps to rejuvenate well-being, happiness, and vitality.


Cupping and
Gua Sha

Cupping is a Chinese massage technique where glass or latex cups are placed on the skin to create suction. Gua Sha is a technique that uses a special tool to scrape across the skin. Cupping and Gua Sha therapy aid in promoting blood flow to help remove toxins and increase healthy blood circulation to muscles and tissue.

These techniques address a number of common dysfunctions including:

  • Pain and tension

  • Frozen shoulder syndrome

  • Headaches

  • Muscle stiffness and aches

  • Respiratory illnesses

  • Arthritis



Your initial visit will be devoted to gathering information about your personal medical history, goals, and important aspects of your life. It will include your first treatment.
Subsequent visits will involve acupuncture treatments designed specifically for your unique needs.
Chinese herbs or Qigong exercises may also be prescribed to help complement your acupuncture treatment.


To schedule your INITIAL SESSION click here:

The frequency of your treatments will depend upon your needs, condition, duration of illness, and other factors.
Generally, your sessions will be scheduled once a week for a period of five to ten treatments.
Once your energy begins to stabilize, treatments are decreased to once every two to four weeks. Clients in good health may choose to return on a seasonal basis.
The ultimate goal of treatment is to support the body, mind, and spirit in sustaining optimal energetic balance.


"Nicole Mezoff is one of the finest acupuncturists I have ever been treated by and singly the best Worsley Classical Five-Element practitioner I have had in more than fifteen years of receiving acupuncture. She demonstrates a keen and curious mind coupled with compassion and understanding, all qualities which I believe are required to be an outstanding practitioner. She is also open-minded and willing to embrace new concepts if she believes they will benefit her patient and herself. Finally, she is one of the best energy workers I have met and is willing to share her experience in Tai Chi and Qigong. In short, I recommend her services without reservation."


“Working with Nicole is the ideal combination of expertise and compassion. She made me feel completely comfortable, discussing my situation from a ‘whole person’ perspective and asked questions that other practitioners I had been to didn’t even think to ask. The work we did felt like a collaboration process that addressed my specific complaints and my overall well-being. I saw results that I was not able to achieve with other treatments. As a health professional myself, I recommend Nicole highly to friends, family, and my own clients.”



CANCELLATION POLICY: If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please provide a 24-hour notice.
If less than a 24-hour notice is given, the fee for the missed appointment will be payable.

PAYMENT POLICY: If your insurance does not cover acupuncture, payment is due at the time services are rendered.
We accept cash, checks, credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency.

INSURANCE POLICY: We accept most PPOs and some POS plans. Call, fax, or email your information and date of birth, and we’ll check to see if your insurance plan has acupuncture benefits. (Please allow 48 hours to get benefit information.)

If there is an increase in our fees, notice of the increase will be posted one month in advance.

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